Monday, February 1, 2010


I am really not so good with change. I am not sure why this is. I would like to be a go with the flow kind of person, but I am not. Especially these shifts within myself. Lately I have been looking at the world through a new lens. It is a little disturbing. I am so conflicted I cna't seem to straighten myself out. Anxiety is rampant at this point. It is making me so tired. I want to be calm and happy- where did it go? What has changed? God it is really making me so very tired.

1 comment:

  1. What a pair we are! I wish I could offer some inspiring words of wisdom, but I'm a hot mess over here! I am so with you on the house thing (back a few posts), I feel burried by the "to-do's" and don't have a clue how to motivate myself to start. Your dad passing... well that just plain sucks! The only thing that I really believe is that God doesn't make mistakes or do things for no reason. I really believe that your dad got to do all he needed to here and God needed him there. I'm sure he's hard at work and time is flying by while still a bit ANXIOUS that his babygirl will find her answers and be HAPPY! I truly believe this, and I believe you will be together again when it's time. You are a lucky girl to have had the exact dad you needed, and I know he taught you just what you needed to keep going now. Wish I could be more help, I guess I just want you to know I'm here and you aren't alone. Love ya!
