Thursday, February 4, 2010

Friggin Frustrated

I am super frustrated. I work so hard. I am constantly working, working at home, or worrying about work. I also have to worry about the cleaning, organizing, and financing for the household and that is frustrating as well. I want to be able to relax when I come home. I want to come home to a clean house where I can either do some things or have an enviroment where I can rest and not have to worry about the million things I need to do. I would like a better financial situation, it is a lot of pressure for me to foot the bill for everything all the time and I am growing exhausted and maybe even a little resentful. I need more help from work, I need more help at home. I am on a fast track to crash and burn. I dont understand why I alsways get myself into situations where I am doing everything and have no time to relax and enjoy everything. This aspect of my life is one I am not happy about. I just don't know how to turn it around. I wish someone would just help me without me having to be the "bitch" all the time. Not that I am called a bitch, but I know that is what it seems like. Also, I have been told that I am "freaking out" enough lately that it makes me want to keep my mouth shut. I am so friggin tired and frustrated!

1 comment:

  1. Hey you! I know you ended up sick shortly after this and then had a birthday. Hoping you are feeling better!! Life sucks some times. I know I feel like this at times too. I have found that I can change what I can change and then I need to change my perspective. Do something different. Sometimes my problems seem to overwhelm me and I'm so stuck staring at them it's hard to see anything the good things. You've got the desire to be happy, it will come!
