Monday, March 22, 2010

Waxing and waning

I can feel my motivation beginning to slip. Yes, I have lost the first fun 20 lbs and that is great, but the second 20 seems to be just out of my reach. I am a little less disciplined in both my eating and exercise and I can see why I had no results last week. However, I can't seem to snap myself out of it. I am feeling frustrated and discouraged. It is not just my weight loss that seems to be stalling, it is my life. I am overwhelmed by work, overwhelmed by my home environment, overwhelmed by the great burden of finances, and frustrations with where my life has led me. I have been a basket case for a couple of weeks. I am unsure how to deal with it all. I am getting back to the gym tonight. I am going to be very careful with my eating today. I am slowly letting go of material possessions that are weighting me down. I am hoping that Curtis will make some decisions that will take some of the burden of keeping the household going off of my shoulders. Here is what I feel I need in order to get some peace.

Time and motivation to clear out my possessions and get rid of everything I don't use or need.

To at healthier, to exercise at least 30 min every day, and to sleep 7 hours each night.

Curtis to make a decision for the future move on it while helping with the everyday house stuff.

Time to myself to be myself and just focus on being kind to myself and listening to myself.

I need some peace. badly


  1. Meditate on God. Not tongue in cheek, but you know our real peace comes from Him. That is the door we can check our anxiety, need for love, self loth, frustrations, and receive acceptance of self, peace, tranquility and wisdom to make the right choices. Otherwise, we are flying by the seat of our pants.....speaking to the whole choir here <3

  2. you are doing wonderfully! remember, there is always periods of "lull" when things seem like they aren't moving, when we feel stuck, stalled, and like we won't be able to get going again. it's all part of the balance - movement and stillness.

    i imagine the caterpillar might feel restless and worried as, it it's cocoon, it waits, slowly transforming into a brilliant butterfly. yet, that time of seeming stillness is necessary to catch ones breath and integrate all those changes.

    don't give up!
