Saturday, August 28, 2010

In the mood....

Actually, I am not in the mood for much of anything today. At the same time I am in the mood for some adventure. I am torn and I am tired.

I want something new in my life. I can't put my finger on what it is, just something different, something new, something exciting.

I love what I do for a living, but frankly I am bored with it. The idea of writing a syllabus, ordering copies, planning lessons, and creating and analyzing assessments makes me want to go to bed and pull the covers over my head until June. I am just so bored and unmotivated towards work. I wish I could come up with something different to do with my days and keep my mind working.

I like the intellectual stimulation of my job, but it just scratches the surface- there is so much more potential in me to use my mind and I am struggling to find an outlet for that.

All of this leaves me feeling lazy, lethargic, and under stimulated.

My personal life is pretty good. I have lots of good friends that like to do different things with me. As I sit here today trying to decide how to spend this Saturday, I am drawing a blank. I have lots of things to choose from, but nothing really appeals at the moment. I feel like I want some adventure and companionship, but I don't know in what form. Everything I think of is entertaining and accessible, but I am left with an overwhelming feeling of blah.

Maybe what I am in need of is a major change. Maybe relocation? I just am unsure what direction to even look in.

I hate restlessness. I wish I could be content to stay here all day and read, get ready for my trip, do some work for school, but I am not. I keep reading this book and in each paragraph find my mind wandering. It is not wandering in any particular direction, maybe if it was, I would have some idea of how I really want to spend my day. I keep thinking of all the stuff I outta be doing for school, but I can't even imagine actually sitting down and getting started. I feel so distracted.

I think this little vacation with my bros will help re-energize me, I certainly hope so.

I don't want to sit around trying to figure out what I want, I just want to do. There is a saying "Everything gets worse before it gets better" - maybe this is my lull before something really great and exciting happens- lets hope so, boredom does not suit me.

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