Saturday, August 28, 2010


I am the queen of TMI, take my blog as Exhibit A.

It is rare that I play my cards close to my chest- when I do, I have been told that I am very transparent.

I just don't think before I speak. Every person places an interpretation on things done or said. Our interpretations are rarely accurate. It is unfortunate. I have ZERO idea how people view me, when I try to assess it, I get supremely self-conscious, and anxious.

Lately, I have been trying to not worry about stuff, I'm 2 for 5 at this point,but I have gotten much better about living for today. Faced with some big mysteries and some confusing/frustrating/overwhelming situations, I have been holding my own. I am not freaking out or obsessively worrying, or beating myself up....ok, I do those things sometimes, but not as intensely.

I am not doing anything earth shattering. I just don't have massive waves up upheaval (think 2005-08). I just have a nice, calm, peaceful little life.

I am grateful. I will continue to be flawed, practice unsafe TMI, live with and without integrity, and continue to battle anxiety. But for tonight my hat is off to myself.

I am in a really good place, I have great people in my life, I'm thankful for the days I have.

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