Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It has been about 10 days since I started changing my habits and I feel completely different. I sleep at night- it only takes me moments to fall asleep and for the past few days I have been up on the first alarm.

I weather stressful situations. A few weeks ago the dog made a mess in the bathroom at night- in the morning I totally freaked out- I even woke Curtis up because I was so upset about trying to get ready and clean up the mess that I didn't even know what to do. Yesterday she made a mess and I stepped in it- didn't even freak out- wash my feet, cleaned the mess, resumed life.... nice

I missed walking for two days and I was cranky. It used to be if the weather made me not able to walk I was stoked because that meant more time on the couch reading (with chips and a soda no doubt) now I'm trying to find a gym to join because I hate that cranky feeling.

I don't think I have lost a tremendous amount of weight in 10 days, I am just hoping the weigh in tonight shows I lost 1 pound. My pants are no longer digging into my belly though. I have always wondered why the put an extra button inside fat girl jeans- those dig in and hurt all day, but now they don't bother me, I can't wait to start tossing our sizes here in a few weeks.

I am more optimistic, I believe I can do this and that the journey may be long, but I am excited for the challenge.

Water- I CRAVE it. I drink all my water every day. I have cut way back on caffeine, not consciously, I just don't want so many coffees and diet cokes, I want water.

Eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and exercising is the best anti-depressant I have found. I am getting my life back, I am in control, I love it.

So I have worked with therapists before. Losing my dad destroyed my life at the point it happened and I have never been right since. I have made horrible choices and my life has suffered greatly from that. The therapists always tell me to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. That does not work for me, because I don't believe the positive thoughts. I realized last night that will never work. I will never believe the positive thoughts until I have changed the behavior that leads to the negative thoughts. WOW! Powerful information.

All in all this transformation is doing wonders for me, not a minute too soon.


1 comment:

  1. you are doing awesome!

    you may not be losing weight [yet], but don't let that cloud the incredible tranformation that you are already experiencing with your body... your body is ALREADY responding to the behavioral changes you've made --- you're falling asleep faster, waking easier, and more centered when potentially upsetting things happen. this is HUGE.

    you are a caterpillar cocooned, making and remaking herself. that takes time. your body is responding, and it will keep responding - eventually it will get to the visible stuff and you'll have your wings :)
