Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I need more help. I just don't know how to ask for or get the help I need. For starters, I need help with this dog. I know it is MY dog, but I never intended on being alone to take care of her while working full time and trying to keep up the house. I have always had a partner to help me with her. Now, I am basically on my own. My bf will help if I ask him to, but he hates it so the help usually comes a long with frustrated feelings from him which make me feel really bad. I am thinking of hiring a dog sitter or dog walker or something to take her out for me while I can't. She keeps going to the bathroom in the house because she has to hold it for so long. I am always running, running, running and I just can't give her enough on my own right now. I am totally crying as I write this because I love her so much. She is such a good dog and has been really really good to me, but I just can't take care of her alone anymore. It is breaking my heart.

I am so frustrated. I am working a lot and going to school and trying to improve my life and instead of feeling energized this morning I am sapped and upset. I just need more help and I don't know how to get the help I need. I already feel bad for asking for anything (this is just part of my personality) and I can feel frustrations and resentments building but I don't know how to do anything about it. This is just wearing me down.


  1. is there a doggy daycare in your area? they have them here in the city. i like your idea of hiring a dog walker, too. a friend of mine has hired a friend of hers to walk her doggy. i would walk your doggy for free if i lived near you :)

    you are juggling a lot of responsibilities on your own. breathe!

    one idea:
    make a list of things you can delegate to others, hire others to do for you, or otherwise remove from your To Do list. then, delegate, hire and release some of those things! it's about self-care... it's about your health.

  2. I think you should just ask Curtis. Surely he knows how much Kaya means to you, and if that will lighten your load it will make his and your life more enjoyable :)
