Thursday, January 7, 2010

EMO Eater

Emotional eating is most likely my biggest obstacle. I fear today will be a problem. I am sad, frustrated, a little aprrehensive and typically those emotions spur extra eating. I am going to be very aware of my emotions today and keep it in mind as I make food choices.

Another thing I think will help is the realization that this is MY life. I do not have to bend to every one's will, I do not have to be everything to all people, I do not have to take other peoples problems into my own heart. I love that I am a loving caring, genuine person. I just need to face the fact that unless I care for me, I have nothing to give anyone else anyway. Also, people make decisions about what is priority to them and I can't change what bothers people or hurts them and take their pain away. It is not my job, and truly, it is not even possible. So today I will focus on myself, my feelings, and my job and just let the rest of the world figure out their own way to be happy for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. yes! i love this! what a freedom you have just given your self!
