Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Is anything really random? Or is it simply that everything is random?

So I have an interesting story about the randomness of life.

Last Saturday, we were going to go to a show. It was not our original plan and just before we went out, Curtis didn't really want to go, but we did anyway. We arrived and the people who invited us weren't even coming, it wasn't the band they originally thought was going to play. We really enjoyed it- I mean seriously, it was such a great time. We discovered an awesome new metal band and it was just great.

So during the night Curtis saw this girl and he kept saying "I think it is Patti who I worked with, but I am not sure." I said just go find out if it is her- if it is not no harm, no foul.

You have to understand, Curtis is actually pretty reserved- I would go so far as to call him shy- because "reserved" sounds ridiculous when you are talking about Curtis.

Anyway it WAS Patti and he introduced me to her.

Patti is one of those girls- you know the ones, you meet them and immediately go- there is something really special about her.

It is something you can see & feel immediately. She is outgoing, funny, spunky, just has an aura about her.

So, I promise this story is getting back to the randomness of life.

All week, I have been trying to decide about joining a gym. Lots of people weighed in. I shopped around, took tours, it was all pretty overblown for just joining a gym. It is who I am , anxious and thorough.

So I go to LA Fitness tonight and consider the classes, the facility, the price, and the fact that I know 3 people who go there. I call and text friends to see if I am making the right decision (that has to go on the chopping block but we are tackling one issue at a time here).

So I take the leap and join. As I am leaving and who is there at the counter? Patti!

I was hoping I would run into her, she told me about belly dancing. So she talks me into going to the class right then and there, jeans and long sleeves and all. I had a blast! I made a good decision.

Yay me.

How random is it though that all of these weird little happenings in the last few days all tied together? Random? Not so much? I don't know the answer but whatever it is, it took me one step closer to being happier :)

Anyway, new gym, new friends, and I lost 5 lbs- it has been a good week.

Now to go cuddle with my honey and here is hoping I can use my body tomorrow to climb out of bed and go to work!!



  1. Random to us for sure. But I really believe there are no coincidences in life. None. Ok, so I've read everything and am now leaving one (most likely too long)comment here. I think that us (you, me, Jetta) all being in the same frame of mind at this one point in time is no coincidence! Funny, my post tonight was totally about the same thing. Love it.

    Most importantly though: I am so sorry you've gone through hard times and I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I can't say much more than that, if I could I'd heal your heart right now! I'm thinking positive thoughts, sending you positive energy and will include you in my prayers for what it's worth. On the topic of counselor's and positive thoughts and energy I do have some thoughts which I'd be glad to share. I need to just get to writing that post already thought because I keep finding myself talking about it and referring the same books to people. But, seeing where you are at right now, I think you'd love them!

    Just like with Jetta's blog, I can totally relate to a lot of your thoughts and feelings. Isn't it nice to know we aren't alone? Not that I enjoy others feeling the way I do at times, but still I do find some satisfaction in the company. I'll be really satisfied when we are basking in not only happiness, but JOY! Life is a journey and we've both been on some dark paths it sounds like... it's time to find our true-selves and let our lights shine!! I could get even cornier, but it's still true corny or not! I really am sick of hiding. And the dumb thing is I am the one responsible in the end. I am impressed by your willingness to state your goal and put it out into the blogosphere for all to read. I think I'm pretty no-shame honest for the most part as well so I love it. My problem is with the committment. I'm just not mentally there yet. I'm not willing to really say that I'm done with the bad food, that I'm going to exercise, that I'm really going to CHANGE. It scares me. I really fully accepted that I eat bad and don't exercise in a really dumb rebelious type moment with myself and have really committed to that! And now here I am. I'm sure I could think of lots more to say, but I have a feeling we'll be keeping up with eachother, so until then my friend... have a wonderful day tomorrow and "GO HEATHER!!!! YOU TOTALLY ROCK AND YOU DESERVE HAPPINESS!!!" ~t

    Yep, waaaay too long, but I'm not going to judge myself and I'm gonna leave it waaaay too long! :D

  2. synchronicity

    i absolutely LOVE synchronicity. i believe it happens more frequently when one is moving with the flow of life (instead of struggling against the current). the Universe (God/Spirit/etc) brings us what we need when we need it - sometimes several times until we get the message. :)

    and i do i feel there is often a message for me in synchronistic events... maybe just that there is something here to pay attention to or someone i need to know. it's like a clue on a treasure hunting adventure of life!
